About Us

We are a team of software architects and data modelers ready to tackle your hardest problems. Combined, we have decades of experience from Google, Successfactors, Vungle, and other world class names in Silicon Valley. We understand Big Data tools, APIs, and modeling techniques so you can take advantage of all the data available.

Data is the new currency. Whether you have a lot of data or need to collect more data, we can help. We can scale up resources to adapt to your project size. Let us bring your ideas to life.
Foo Lim

Foo Lim


Jack of all trades. Cut his teeth all over Silicon Valley from front-end Angular to backend Data Warehouse to microservice API development.

Jinguo Gao

Jinguo Gao


PhD in Statistics. Dr. Gao is a Senior Data Scientist and eats numbers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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Santa Clara

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